Mantra - What is this?
We can read a lot about the meaning of mantras, but we only really understand them when we work with them and experience their effectiveness in everyday life. This article...
We can read a lot about the meaning of mantras, but we only really understand them when we work with them and experience their effectiveness in everyday life. This article...
Mushrooms have been used therapeutically in Asia for several millennia and are also used as remedies in TCM. The folk medicine of our culture was influenced and changed in the...
For example, if someone is in pain, then something in their body is out of balance. Find out by what Pain is sometimes very simple and sometimes very complex. Our...
The nutritional theory of Ayurveda is very extensive and offers an individual selection of foods, spices and preparations for each person. The individual diets are based, among other things, on...
In German usage, the Ayurvedic discipline “Rasayana” is often translated as rejuvenation or anti-aging of Ayurveda. But this specialty is actually just about rejuvenation measures?
The ultimate goal of all psycho-mentally oriented yoga. and Ayurvedic practices is to strengthen the SATTVA-Guna to live a life of holistic health and spiritual connectedness.