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The best of three worlds

The best of TCM, Ayurveda and western phytotherapy.


Climate -neutral, faster and free shipping within Germany from € 45.

30 days of right of return

With us you can send unopened goods back quickly & conveniently within 30 days.

Laboratory tested products

Our products are checked for microbial loads, heavy metals, pesticides and ETO by external laboratories.

Produced in Germany

All supplements, teas and oils are produced on certified production facilities exclusively in Germany.

The best for your body

100% pure and natural

Promise the Qidosha

Made in Germany

Natural ingredients

Catches checked by external laboratories

Bio-certified company

Made in Germany

Natural ingredients

Catches checked by external laboratories

Bio-certified company

Ayurveda. Knowledge of life.

"Ayurveda is the longest field study in history," said Volker Mehl. Ayurveda means “life science” and, like the TCM, combines physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. The diet is of particular importance in Ayurveda - spices and herbs are specifically used as a remedy. We have put together the most important spices and herbs for you in this category.

Discover Ayurveda

Combined preparations. The best of 3 worlds.

As a rule, several plants and their extracts are combined in Ayurveda and TCM. There are no scientific studies on our combination preparations, but we give you an overview of the scientific studies of the individual ingredients. At our combination preparations, we deliberately rely on "multi -substance mixtures" - what we consider as the best that the teachings of Ayurveda, TCM and Western phytology provide us with every area of ​​application.

Discover combination preparations

Tcm. Knowledge from the Middle Kingdom.

A central role in the TCM plays the life energy "Qi", which is kept in the river through the two life pole Yin and Yang: If Yin and Yang are in balance, then we feel healthy after understanding TCM.

Discover TCM

The story behind Qidosha

"My husband became seriously ill in 2014. Conventional medicine was at a loss as to the cause, as none of the known risk factors applied. This led us to look into the thousands of years of experience of Ayurveda and TCM. As a useful supplement to conventional medical therapy - and not as a contradiction. We would like to share this knowledge, which we have gained and deepened with many therapists from practice, with you and have set ourselves the goal of combining the best of Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and western herbal medicine. With QIDOSHA, we therefore do not just want to sell supplements, but also arouse your curiosity about the exciting wisdom of thousands of years of experience."

Do you still throw away or do you already fill it after ?

As with the manufacturing method of our drops and capsules, we have consciously decided to focus on purity, sustainability and transparency in the packaging of our products!

Our vision was a sustainable solution: the best for your body and at the same time the best for the environment! Since plastic containers are unsuitable for recycling due to the many additives used in their production, we therefore consistently use fully recyclable glass packaging and refill bags made of kraft paper.

Premium quality

Our products are manufactured exclusively in Germany and without fillers or additives such as magnesium stearate. They only contain what we state (100% "true clean label"). All batches are also tested by external laboratories - including for residues of ethylene oxide (EtO). The latter is currently of great relevance, as raw materials from India, China and Turkey are unfortunately often contaminated and many suppliers still do not carry out any tests. It is not for nothing that our products have already been awarded "comparison winners".

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