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In close cooperation with Ayurveda doctors, TCM herbalists, alternative practitioners and pharmacists, we have combined ingredients in such a way that they provide you with the best possible support in various challenges. In both Ayurveda and TCM, several plants and their extracts are usually combined to form a complete medicinal product. There are no scientific studies on our combination preparations, but we will give you an overview of the scientific studies on the individual ingredients. We deliberately use "multi-substance mixtures" for our combination preparations - namely what we consider to be the best that the teachings of Ayurveda, TCM and Western phytology have to offer. Check it out!


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With us you can send unopened goods back quickly & conveniently within 30 days.

Laboratory tested products

Our products are not only checked microbially by external laboratories, but also for ETO (ethylene oxide).

Produced in Germany

All articles are produced exclusively in Germany on certified production analges.

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