Today, in contrast to the past, when sugar was rare, we find sugar almost everywhere: not only in sweets, baked goods or soft drinks, but also to regulate taste in products such as mustard, sausages or ketchup. And whole grain has increasingly given way to white flour. Sugar and white flour are quickly digested and quickly make you crave even more readily available carbohydrates, such as sugar and white flour. According to Ayurvedic understanding, sugar is primarily a disturbance of Kapha and fat metabolism (Medha). This is accompanied by an excess of waste products (Ama). Kapha is particularly strengthened by the taste of sweet (as explained above: the fast carbohydrates). In order to do something for your own blood sugar level, it would be advisable to reduce the Kapha dosha and reduce Ama. Exercise, wholesome, low-sugar food, spices that stimulate Agni, herbs...
Of course, there are different forms of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the sugar from food no longer reaches the body's cells but remains in the blood and permanently damages the internal organs. In the past, diabetes was referred to as adult-onset diabetes because insulin production usually decreases with age. However, younger people are also more frequently affected. This is often attributed to the fact that many people spend most of their time sitting down at work and also eat an unhealthy diet.
People suffering from diabetes should consult an Ayurvedic doctor. Diabetics should only take the following nutritional supplements under professional supervision or regular blood sugar monitoring.*
* Legal consumer information: German and European law aims to protect consumers from allegedly misleading claims of effectiveness. The statements made here refer to the original Ayurvedic and TCM texts. This knowledge, which has been passed down for thousands of years, is based on experience passed down from generation to generation. It is not intended to claim that the products described here have an effect in the sense of Western medicine. All products are food supplements; they are not medication and have no medical effect. If you are ill and need medical care, please contact your doctor or pharmacist!
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