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Glutathion - his role as antioxidants and in the body's detoxification

What exactly is glutathione?

  • Glutathione is a tripeptide made up of the 3 amino acids glutamic acid, cysteine ​​and glycine
  • It comes in 2 states that are transformed into each other:
    • Reduced Glutathione (GSH)
    • Oxidized glutathione disulfide (GSSG) (2 H+ away)
  • In terms of food law, this is a "functional dietary protein" (no amino acid, therefore no restriction in use)
  • Glutathione can be synthesized and recycled by humans, but various building blocks are essential
  • prerequisite for glutathione synthesis and recycling
    • amino acids (L-glutamate, L-cysteine, L-glycine as well as precursors methionine and possibly N-acetylcysteine) à high dependence on cysteine ​​availability!
    • enzymes (Ɣ-glutamyl transpeptidase, peptidase, Ɣ-glutamyl cyclotransferase, Ɣ-glutamyl cysteine ​​synthetase, GSH synthetase) à high dependence on activity of Ɣ-glutamyl cysteine ​​synthetase
    • cofactorsthat support synthesis and recycling (α-lipoic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, magnesium)
    • energy and functional mitochondria (including cofactors such as coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine, vitamins B1, B2 and B3) à GSH synthesis is ATP-dependent

Bioavailability of oral glutathione

  • Digestive tract absorbs GSH and other nutritionally useful peptides intact on (e.g. casomorphins, proteases)
  • Active transport through intestinal membranes or intestinal epithelial cells demonstrated (with partial degradation to amino acids intracellularly)
  • Probably also resorption as Glu-Cys dipeptide and resynthesis of the tripeptide (in the liver)
  • GSH supplementation improves GSH status more than corresponding amounts of the individual amino acids
  • GSH performs functions in the intestine as well as in the organism extracellularly and in various cell compartments
  • Healthy intestinal mucosa important for absorption of di-/tripeptides
  • Reasons why some authors were unable to detect an increase in plasma GSH after oral GSH administration:
    • Short GSH half-life
    • No increase in GSH in case of low GSH concentration and poor redox status
      (high GSH consumption for regeneration of other redox systems, such asascorbic acid)

Effects of Glutathione

Antioxidant effects

  • Non-enzymatic antioxidant
    • most important hydrophilic antioxidant of the cell (directly binds radicals and nitric oxide (NO) and reduces other antioxidants)
    • is oxidized to GSSG (and reduced again with the help of the enzyme glutathione reductase)
  • coenzyme for enzymatic glutathione peroxidases (metalloenzymes)
    • reduce toxic peroxides such as hydrogen peroxide and lipid hydroperoxides by reacting with glutathione)
      • Enzymes are proteins (require amino acids, zinc, vitamin B6 and B12)
      • Enzymes require activators (selenium, zinc, manganese)

regeneration of antioxidants

inactivation of activated oxygen

Detoxifying Effects of GSH

  • Glutathione in Detoxification Phase I
    • disposal of radical metabolites (part of the redox network)
  • Glutathione in detoxification phases II and III
    • coenzyme for glutathione S-transferases
    • binding partners of pollutants
      • catches via thiol/sulfhydryl/SH group Toxins, polyvalent heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead and other foreign substances
      • forms pollutant-glutathione complexeswhich are excreted as mercapturic acid derivatives via the kidneys and bile
      • reduced by complex formation with "good" trace elements pro-oxidative risk of high concentrations of these substances (e.g. Fenton reaction of iron with vitamin C)
    • Note: GSH can be combined with other chelating agents such as α-lipoic acid.

Glutathione and Detoxification Phase II

Causes of Glutathione Deficiency and Possible Consequences

  • causes
    • Low intake (e.g. diet, absorption disorders)
    • High demand (e.g. radical exposure, pollution, illness, lifestyle errors, age, stress, sport)
    • Disorders of glutathione synthesis and metabolism (e.g.deficiency of amino acids, glutathione reductase or glutathione peroxidase)
  • Follow
    • Oxidative and nitrosative (NO) stress
    • lack of energy
    • deficit of thiol groups (-SH)
    • detoxification disorders
    • immunosuppression and susceptibility to infections
    • reperfusion injuries, increased hemolysis rates
    • neurological, psychomotor, cardiovascular, ocular and hepatic disorders

glutathione diagnostics

  • nutritional and lifestyle history
  • Specific symptoms
  • laboratory examination
    • Total glutathione (erythrocytes): 1805-3600 μmol/l
    • GSH reduced (leukocytes or erythrocytes): 962-3329 μmol/l
    • Quotient GSH:GSSG (serum): 99:1 to 90:10 (à no statement about intracellular situation)
    • Glutathione peroxidase: 4170-10880 U/L
  • In case of stress/illness, the ratio GSH / GSSG initially shifts
  • Long-term decrease in total glutathione

glutathione requirement

  • The exact glutathione requirement in addition to diet and self-synthesis is not exactly known and depends on many factors (supply, synthesis, individual situation)
  • In case of stress/illness, the ratio GSH / GSSG initially shifts
  • Long-term decrease in total glutathione
  • Disturbances only become apparent when GSH levels are < 1 g (i.e. there is already a deficit of about 7 g to the “normal level”)
  • In addition, due to ongoing stress, continued high GSH requirement

Typical glutathione dosage


Oral dosage (per day)

Parenteral dosage (per day)

Glutathione prevention (in case of risks)

0.2 – 1 g


initial glutathione therapy

1-5 g

400-600 mg

Glutathione follow-up (after therapy)

0.6-1.2 g


  • Oral bioavailability is guaranteed!
    (e.g. Richie JP et al.; Randomized controlled trial of oral glutathione supplementation on
    body stores of glutathione; European Journal of Nutrition 2014)

Glutathione content of foods (Source: Reuss F)


GSH mg/kg

brewer's yeast extract (fresh)
liver (freshly slaughtered)
liver (commercial product)
beef muscle meat (freshly slaughtered)
asparagus (raw)
ham (commercial product)
beef muscle meat (commercial product)
cauliflower (raw)
potatoes (raw)

10000 (Reiff, 1960)
7370-10000 (Abuja, 2006)
310 (Bloem, 2003)
280 (Bloem, 2003)
280 (Bloem, 2003)

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