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Rice-shiny paint porling, the "divine mushroom of immortality"


The Reishi mushroom, which is also called "shiny lacquer polypore" due to its special shine, is known in TCM as the "divine mushroom of immortality". The name "Reishi" that we know comes from Japanese. It grows mainly on the trunks of deciduous trees and is also native to our forests. Reishi has been cultivated in large quantities on pieces of wood or sawdust for a long time, especially in China and Japan.

Areas of application and effect

Users who regularly take the Reishi mushroom report a increase in performance as well as from a improvement in sleep disorders.

The positive effects on the immune system observed in many studies could be due to the high concentration of beta-glucans in Reishi, which are found in the cell walls of the mushroom. Many users attribute the Reishi mushroom cytotoxic effect and therefore also use it as an adjunct to cancer therapies.

Many alternative practitioners consider Reishi to be an important antioxidant Antioxidants act against free radicals, which cause our cells to age and promote the development of many diseases.

Why are extracts better than mushroom powder?

Mushroom extracts in particular contain high concentrations of highly effective and bioactive polysaccharides and glucans, which are relevant for the immune system.
The extraction not only causes the release of the active substances from the cell organelles, but also the enrichment of the fungal active substances by separating the insoluble accompanying substances.

Another advantage of extracts over powder is that they can be standardized and reproduced. This means that the dosage and combination with other preparations can be carried out precisely and in a targeted manner.

Why are extracts better than mushroom powder?

Mushroom extracts in particular contain high concentrations of highly effective and bioactive polysaccharides and glucans, which are relevant for the immune system.

The extraction not only causes the release of the active substances from the cell organelles, but also the enrichment of the fungal active substances by separating the insoluble accompanying substances.

Another advantage of extracts over powder is that they can be standardized and reproduced. This means that the dosage and combination with other preparations can be carried out precisely and in a targeted manner.

shellbroken procedure

The mushroom powder, which is then later extracted using hot water, is produced using the so-called "shellbroken process"; the mushroom is ground so finely that the chitin cell wall of the mushroom is broken open. This enables a polysaccharide content of up to 30% (depending on the manufacturer) and the ingredients can be optimally utilized by the organism.

In addition, make sure that only the fruiting body is used to produce the mushroom extracts. The phrase "from the whole mushroom" means that it can contain not only the fruiting body, but also the part below the ground ("mycelium"), which contains hardly any nutrients, as well as the substrate on which the mushroom is grown - and this substrate can contain many undesirable byproducts, from wood to manure. Pay attention to this when choosing the product.

Legal Consumer Information

German and European law aims to protect consumers from allegedly misleading claims about effectiveness. The statements made here refer to the original Ayurvedic and TCM texts.This knowledge, which has been passed down for thousands of years, is based on experience that has been passed down from generation to generation. It is not intended to claim that the products described here have an effect in the sense of Western medicine. All products are food supplements; they are not medicines and have no medical effect. If you are ill and require medical care, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.

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